Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So two momentous things happened.

First off, yesterday was Matthew's and my 7 month-aversary. He is by far the best thing that's ever happened to me (besides Jesus), and yesterday, we celebrated by going to Red Robin for dinner, and chatting :) It was nice going on a date, and just spending time together. :) He's amazing. I am one lucky girl :)

And the SECOND good thing that happened yesterday, was this.... Matthew and I were sitting at Red Robin eating dinner, and I had a missed call on my phone. it was my dad's cell phone. Since he went into the hospital, his phone's been in a drawer turned off. Lol. So, imagine my surprise... I called it back, dreading the worst, because I am a pessimist at heart... and he answered :) You're probably thinking... what's the big deal? Well, he hasn't spoken in over 2 months!!!! That's the big deal. I was sooo excited. I've called him probably 10 times since then, just to hear him talk. Lol. He's probably going to get annoyed, but he'll get over it. :) This is the first time I TRUELY BELIEVED that he's on the road to a full recovery. It just enver seemed real before. Now, now it does. :)

Thanks for reading guys.

I love you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One of those days...

Do you ever wake up in a funk? You wake up, and it's not that you feel sick or anything like that, you just don't feel... right. Today's been one of those days. I wasn't in a bad mood, just sort of... BLAH.

Went to church this morning. I went to service last night, so I got to sleep in until 8:30 :) It was actually a nice start to the day... Judith's message was good. We're in the book of Ephesians right now, which is one of my faves :)

We then went to Crete for college lunch. They have the yummiest burgers and sweet potato fries around.

Then a group of us went to party city to look at all of the fun Halloween things. I love Halloween. it's definitely one of my favorite holidays.

This afternoon, I've done like, nothing. Lol. My friend Kitty sent me a couple of seasons of a show called "Criminal Minds", so I watched some episodes of that, and now I'm watching the seasons 6 finale of Grey's Anatomy online. It's instense. If you're a Grey's fan, you'll know what I mean. Lol.

Until later.

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's been 10 days since I've posted.

Not a lot has happened in my life


that I've lost 27 lbs so far. :)

Aren't you proud? :) My clothes are fitting better already (which is something I didn't expect so soon). I feel less... lazy. Lol.

My papa's still in the rehab center. He's sitting up on his own again now, and breathing on his own for the most part... Very little of his time is on the ventilator.

That's really all for now. I'll update again :)

I love you.

Thank you for the encouragement.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day ???

I truely appreciate everyone who's helped me with this weight loss adventure. :) It's not over. There's actually a long way to go, but I just wanted you to know that :)

Yesterday was a LONG day. There's a girl that I work with that tries and tests my very last nerve every single day, and it's exhausting. She's rude to our kids, and their parents. She's rude to our co-workers. And really, she's just a trouble-maker. It takes every ounce of patience I have, every day, not to lose my mind. I've tried talking to her. I've tried tactfully pointing out when she's rude. She goes to church, so I even tried to give her some bible verses that I thought may trigger a change of heart... So far... Nothing's changed. Help??

I love you all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

16 lbs in 2 weeks.

This has been an exciting and busy week. :) My papa is in the rehab place now, and he's perking up. It's funny, because the nurses must've shaved him Saturday morning, because I came in Saturday afternoon and my dad's face was clean shaven... You're probably asking yourself, why is that funny? Well, I've never, in my 21 years, seen my dad without his big grey beard. Lol. I almost thought I was in the wrong room. Lol.

So, about the title of this blog... I've lost 16 lbs. in 2 weeks. My mom got me a scale for my bathroom, so it's easier to keep track of :) It's been a hard, yet exciting adventure. It's been rough eating smaller portions, and better, healthier foods, because I've eaten the same stuff for years... but it's been exciting, because I can actually FEEL and SEE a difference... A couple of people have told me that they can see a difference, and whenever someone tells me that, I can feel myself light up :) Lol. I'll keep you guys posted. :)

That's about it for right now. :)

I love you.