Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crazy Love

The Book: Crazy Love written by Francis Chan copywrite 2008

Tonight I sat at Starbucks and finished chapter 2 of this book. The first chapter was entitled "stop praying", and the second was entitled "you might not finish this chapter".

This book is really throwing me for a loop. The first chapter explains how marvelous and miraculous God really is. Something Francis says in the book is that God has always been. It confused me, and I don't really know why. I've heard it before. He's always been there. There's never ever been a moment when He wasn't around. It's simple to say, but for me, for some reason, it's hard to comprehend.

Then the second chapter talked about how we live our lives. Do you live your life for God? You might say yes. That's great, because the entire 2nd chapter is about how we could die at any moment. Will you be going to Heaven when you die? And do you know that for sure? If you were to die tomorrow, what would people say about you at your funeral? Would they say you were a man or a woman of God? Would they come to the funeral because they loved you, and they're happily celebrating your journey to be with Jesus? Or would they be there out of obligation to other friends and family? Would they know the real you? Or do they know the you that you pretend to be?

Think it over.

I love you.

Until next time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Do you ever have moments in life where everything is going pretty dang well, and you have a completely positive outlook on life?

I'm having that right now :)

I have good people in my life, and a Savior who loves me. What else do I need?

Nothing. :)

I was having a reflective moment the other day. I was driving home from Green Valley, and having an out-loud conversation with Jesus. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't pray out loud... I generally stay pretty quiet in that department, but for some reason, the urge just hit me. (I probably looked like a crazy person talking to myself lol ) Anyhow. I was having a Jesus-chat, and came to some minor revelations. I need to start working on memorizing verses. Seriously, I'm presented with lots of situations, where my advice is sound, but I would LOVE to have a verse or two to reference. Secondly, I feel like I put too much pressure on myself to be perfect and please everyone. This has to stop. Lol. I am a stress-a-holic. I just soak it up until one day I just can't take it anymore, and I get grumpy (or chicken pox lol).

Those are my minor life changes that have already started to work in my life.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Until next time.

I love you.

OH. P.s. I got a gym membership at 24hr fitness, and used it for the first time today. I am in pain, but it's totally worth it. Lol. :)