Monday, June 27, 2011



Day 6. A picture of your favorite book.

My favorite book in the entire world is Catcher In The Rye by JD Salinger. If you haven't read it, please do. :) It's a wonderful story, and an easy read. :) It'll make you laugh.

Love you guys.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Such an impact.

Katrina 2005


Day 5. One of the most impactful moments in your life.

Well, this was one of my favorite photo-challenge-days thus far. The above pictures were taken in April of 2006. As we all remember, Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast in late 2005, and these picture were taken when my team (in the pic) went down to help rebuild houses in Louisiana. It was an amazing trip for SOOO many reasons. First off, it was my first trip away from my parents. It was me, a few of my friends, and a couple of adults going on this trip. I was under the care of people that I didn't really know, but also people I grew to love by the end of the trip. We went to a carnival, and got mildly harassed by carnies. (Remember that Heather?! lol) We had a pet bunny for two days. We learned to cut and lay tile. We learned the correct way to paint walls and clean things. It was a really good week :) Lol. The other picture was taken at a ranch. Two of the people that cam with us had family down there, and we stayed with them for a night :) We got to ride quads, which was a first for me! :) But really... look at that picture... isn't it gorgeous there? I'd go back in a heartbeat. :)The only drawback to the ranch? Fire Ants. Lol. Solution?? Toothpaste! Carry it in your pocket!

This was my first mission trip, and it was my first trip without a parent, and it was my first dose of seeing someone less fortunate than I was. It was a trip that really grew me up as a follower of Jesus and as a person. :)

It was one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

One of my favorite memories.


Day 4. A picture of one of your favorite memories.

For Katie's 20th birthday, she and I organized a photo scavenger hunt, and this was our team :)

In other news, life is hectic. Have you ever gotten to the point where you're just mentally tired? Where you almost have a constant headache because of all the things going on in your life? That's where I'm at. I feel pretty dang exhausted. I know everyone goes through times of trouble... this is apparently just mine.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



Day three. The cast of your favorite show.

Let me just say, this is a new development. Lol. I don't really have a FAVORITE show, but I've recently been watching Glee on Netflix, and I just love it. :) I would love to live in a world where people randomly break out into song.


Me and Bailey

Day 2. A picture of you and your oldest friend.

The above picture is of me and Bailey June Upton. We have literally been friends since preschool. She is always there for me if I need her, and I'm excited and happy that we're in each other's lives.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Photo Challenge.

Hello friends. My friend challenged me to a 365 day photo challenge, and I decided to take the challenge. :) This simply means that once a day, I will post a photo to this blog site (as well as update my blog :))

Happy Reading!

Day 1. A picture of yourself and 20 random facts.


Random Facts

1. I love Jesus, and my Shadow Hills family.
2. I can sit in Starbucks for hours and think nothing of it, and be fully entertained.
3. My life in the past 6 months is completely different than I ever thought it would be, but I think it's made me stronger, and a better person.
4. I'm very opinionated, but I don't often voice my opinions in fear of offending or upsetting someone.
5. I am sucky at volleyball, but I love it :) It makes my Mondays.
6. I have a mild addiction to the "StumbleUpon" app on my phone.
7. I recently moved out of my parents house, and though it was probably the scariest thing I've ever done, I think it's also been very beneficial in the "growing me up" process.
8. I love blogging, but again, sometimes I don't write what I'm actually thinking in fear of offending or upsetting people.
9. I've seen every Disney movie ever made. If you don't believe me, try me.
10. I don't drink coffee. Ever. Lol.
11. My favorite fruit is pineapple or cantaloupe. And my favorite veggies are raw carrots or peas.
12. I don't really drink hot drinks. Even like, hot chocolate or things like that, I let them cool almost completely.
13. I've been on multiple mission trips, and I'm secretly thinking about searching for another one. (Not a long one lol)
14. I'm moving into a house (in less than 30 days) will 3 AMAZING girls. :) And I'm totally excited.
15. I love to sing. I haven't been singing a whole lot lately, and I can't figure out why.
16. My favorite thing to bake is cinnamon rolls.
17. I miss my dad more than I'd ever admit to anyone out loud. It's been 6 months, and it still feels like it happened yesterday.
18. I'm really good at math.
19. I used to work at Homework Hotline. :)
20. I LOVE texting. If we aren't texting buddies, feel free to change that. 702-677-0153.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So much to say...

And so little time. Lol.

There's a LOT going on in my life. Some good things. Some bad things. As always. Lol.

First for the good things.

My friends are amazing. The girls that I hang around with are just awesome, and the guys in the group just leave me speechless. Lol. If it weren't for these people, I don't know where I'd be.

Ya know what drives me crazy though? I have this person in my life that I used to be really close with. I used to be able to tell this person anything, and now that person isn't around anymore. He's literally disappeared from my life. Before I go on any further, please let me say that this isn't Matthew. Lol. I'm not going on an ex-girlfriend rant. Lol. But this friend of mine... used to be my best friend. He may not have known it... but when you tell someone everything about yourself, and confide secrets and have inside jokes and stories with someone, and then all of a sudden they're gone... it's depressing.

Some people may not think it's a good idea that I wrote the above paragraph, but this is my blog, and that's what I'm thinking about right at this moment.

Do you ever wish you could go back to a moment in time and change something? Like, I know everything happens for a reason... I know that. But, do you ever sometimes wonder, what if? What if you hadn't made that choice, or said that sentence? What if you, instead chose to do the opposite? Where would your life be?


I've been missing my dad a lot lately. More than usual I'd say. I don't know what it is, but lately, I've been a LOT more weepy than usual. I miss him... sometimes more than I think I can stand :( Today in particular, I was talking with the three-year-olds at work about their daddy's, and it was EVERYTHING I could do, not to just start crying. :(

Matthew leaves for Japan/Korea in 19 days, and I don't think I'm ready. Lol. Even as I sit here typing this out, it doesn't feel real. I now we are broken up, but he really had become my best friend over the past  year and a half, and to not be able to see him everyday... or to not be able to talk to him whenever I want to is going to be hard :( I'm worried about his safety (though neither country hates americans) I just dont know... It makes me sad to think about...

But I'm also REALLY excited for him! He's going to get to see things, and experienced things that we in the United States have only dreamed of! He's going to get to see cool landmarks and see some awesome sushi. Lol. He's going to have an amazing time witnessing to the people of Asia.  :) :)

I'm always a mix of emotions. (In case you couldn't tell) And these are just a few of the things going on in my thought process. Lol.

Goodnight loved ones!