Friday, April 26, 2013

Weathering the storms.

Well, dear reader, we meet again. My life is in an interesting place. I was talking to someone the other day, who said "It's easier to trust in God's plan when the goings are good. It's just hard to stay focused on positive things when everything seems to be falling down around you." Well, I'll tell you, sweet reader, the same thing I told this person. If any one of you are going through something difficult, I feel like sharing a little bit about my life experiences might help you.

I diagree with those that say "it's easier to trust God when things are easy". Actually, I think the saying should be, "It's easier to FORGET God when things are easy. When things in my life are on an upward swing, and things seem, for the most part, to be going my way, I forget to do my quiet times. I don't feel guilty about missing church, and I certainly don't pray half as much as I usually do.

I think when there are, for a lack of a better term "storms", I think that's the time we need is to lean in and hold on to God for dear life. I think when we are having major life struggles, and we don't see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, that's the time to hold steadfast and be patient. 

First and foremost, choose a life verse. I know this sounds like a trivial first step, but trust me, when the storm is raging, you'll need an anchor to cling to. Secondly, find someone, or a couple of people that you can be one hundred and fifty percent honest with. Find that person that, no matter what, you can say anything to. You're going to need an outlet. And finally, sweet reader, read your bible every day. I know this is something we should do anyway. But I also know, from experience, that life happens and it doesn't get done. Make a point to do it every day. The storms stay a lot calmer when The Enemy knows that you're focused.

Until next time, dear reader.