Monday, March 31, 2014

Apparently I look like some kind of terrorist...

I just had the event of a lifetime at the Atlanta Airport's security check point. 

To set the scene, I am wearing jean capris, grey tank top and a maroon shirt. I intentionally dress simply when flying to avoid any hassle at the security counter. 

Today I was not so lucky 

Apparently, today I look like some sort of international terrorist. 

They pulled me out of line, brought the bucket with my stuff and moved me over to a private area. There were three TSA agents, and they patted me down literally from head to toe. They decided that wasn't good enough. 

Then they took me into a little room, far from the prying eyes of the hundred or so people watching the security spectacle. 

They then proceeded to pat me down again and take everything out of my carry on bag. They then released me to my gate with no further explanation. 

The contents of my carry on were as follows:

My iPad (which is removed like a laptop)
Two chargers (phone and iPad) 
Small light sweatshirt type jacket. 
My wallet
My boarding pass
People magazine

No liquids. No Chapstick. Not even gum. 

I don't understand, and that was embarrassing  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Southern Adventure - Season Finale

Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel for my "going away" dinner, and it was sad. The food was great as always, and the service and company was perfect, but at the end of dinner, the goodbyes began. 

Over the last three hours, I've said goodbye to all of my southern friends after being here for almost two weeks. 

As I walked away from the Jones residence tonight, it was like an instant depression. 

Yes, whenever a vacation is over, a certain sadness happens when it's time to go back home and face the real world. 

That's not what this is. 

This is the feeling of leaving home. Being here, living here for the past 11 days has been the most amazing adventure. I wake up and feel like I've been here my whole life. 

It's interesting how God puts something on your heart. I guess when you find a direction you're being lead, you should follow that direction huh?

Decisions decisions. 

Meanwhile, tomorrow I head home, sad and unprepared. 

Goodnight loved ones. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Southern Adventure Day 8.

The adventure is about to begin. 

Today is Clinton's 24th birthday, so tonight we are going "downtown" to see the sights and visit a few bars. I feel like the night is going to be a night of stories, memories and inside jokes. 

The past couple of days have been a whirlwind. I've been to some truly southern restaurants and eaten some truly southern food. I've been criticized for the movies I haven't seen (aka Forest Gump) and I feel like at the end of it all, I've officially been inducted into this new group of friends. 

I won't lie. When I first met my Georgia friends, I was pretty convinced that I'd always be an outsider. 

This trip has proven me wrong, and I'm loving every minute of it. 

I am sad that my trip is drawing to a close. I can't believe that in a couple of days, I'll be leaving this state to go back to regular life. I've been here so long, that waking up here FEELS normal. I feel like wakin up in Las Vegas on Tuesday will feel... Wrong. 





Friday, March 28, 2014

Muppets Most Wanted

Can we talk about my love for Muppet movies? Today I went to see Muppets Most Wanted, the latest Muppet movie franchise, and it was so cute! 

It was a musical, as a lot of Muppet movies are, and it had a SLEW of famous people cameos. 

I'd definitely recommend this movie. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My southern adventure is almost over.

I have had a decent day of reflection today on this vacation. I have a lot of things going on in life, and I am excited and nervous. 

Goodnight loved ones. 

I have a lot of blogs on the horizon. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Today was a long and wonderful day. 

But I will write about it tomorrow. 



Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Southern Adventure Day 4.

Tonight's post will be short but sweet. 

Today I got to see my sweetest friend, Kitty Kidd. We had lunch with her sweet 17 month old little tiger Miles, and I loved every minute of it. We talked about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. I have missed her presence in my every day life immensely, and it was an exciting adventure getting to visit her in the great state of Georgia. We had lunch at an Irish place in a town called Senoia in which a large chunk of the TV series "The Walking Dead" was filmed, along with a movie that is easily in my top 5 faves, "Fried Green Tomatoes". 

I have missed this lady, and when I walked away from her perfectly southern home to head back to Augusta, I was quite sad. Short of moving here, I won't see her nearly as often as I used to and no where near as much as I'd like. It's quite the dilemma. 

Post-lunch adventures included driving in Atlanta traffic, which EASILY rivals LA traffic. I will admit I had to exercise some extra grace and patience today. Thank goodness for this awesome country station I was told about!

"The group" went to dinner again tonight and then over to Courtney's where we watched "Rio" and I was introduced to the world of animal heads, stuffed of course, and used as decoration. It was quite the experience, I will say. 

The night ended with some minor star gazing and it's off to sleep I go. 

Tomorrow we are off to the Vanderbilt estate (called the "Biltmore"). It's in Morth Carolina, so we have to get up early! 

Later days. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Southern Adventure Day 3.

Today was peaceful. 

I slept in until about 10:00 Georgia time (7 in Vegas). I spent the morning on some odds and ends. 

Then Clint and I went to this restaurant called The Cotten Patch. It was this little tiny place that served some dang good southern food. Definitely an "A" rating! 

After lunch, we went to a place called Cabella's. It's sort of like Bass Pro Shop in that it sells outdoor equipment. But this is the south, so we weren't just there to look at fishin' poles and camo gear. Oh no! We were there to look at some guns! And boy did we!! They must've had a thousand guns in that store. Everything from little carry-guns to some of the biggest rifles and shotguns I've ever seen. #merica

Then we went and saw the movie "Divergent". I hadn't ever even heard of this series of books before today, but the movie was awesome! It had some good acting in it. The story line was entertaining, and had few surprises that kept the plot moving. All in all, awesome flick!

Then we went back to the Jones residence and ate dinner and watched "Dancing With The Stars". I hadn't ever watched this show, and I thought it was neat. Probably not going to be a show I get hooked on, but definitely loved it. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Southern Adventure Day Two.

Day two of my southern adventure was just as good as day one. 

We woke up this mornin and went to Green Acres Baptist Church with Clint's parents. This church was enormous! We went to bible study at 8:45 (5:45 vegas time!) which was an experience. The leader was awesome; very relatable and funny. Then we went to big church. First off, we sat in the balcony! This was too fun, because I haven't ever belonged to a church with a balcony. Legit!! The church choir was awesome! The worship leaders were very good. And the preacher was everything I thought a southern baptist preacher in Georgia would be. 

Then we went to lunch at this Japanese place called Kyoto. Their food was amazing! I tried a couple new things, and had some good chatting time with mama and poppa Jones. 

Then I went back to my hotel and did some stuff on my iPad that I needed to get done. 

Then I went to our friend Courtney's house and we watched a couple different games for March Madness. 

And lastly, we went to dinner at this place called Carolina Brewhouse or something. The food was decent, but the company was amazing. 

So far, my southern adventure is everything I wanted it to be. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Southern adventure Day 1

I am officially in Georgia. 

I maneuvered my way through the enormous Atlanta airport, and started my drive to Augusta. It's a two hour drive, and I loved every minute of it. I blasted my favorite music. I called and chatted with a few people. The time passed quickly, and it was amazing. 

The trees were fabulous, and some have even started blooming!! It was fantastic.

Then I got to my hotel, checked in, and I love my room! The bed is huge, and I won't lie, I am excited to get to sleep in. I don't have to stress about getting into the preschool. I don't have to expect barking dogs at 730. I am stoked. 

Then I went to Clint's house. We chatted with his parents and caught up. His mom got me a BUNCH of Georgia stuff for my birthday and a REALLY pretty bracelet. (Which will be posted on Instagram shortly!!)

All in all, a fabulous day. 

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

A mix of emotions about tomorrow...

I'm writing tonight's post a little earlier in the evening than I normally do.

Tomorrow I leave on vacation to the great state of Georgia, and I am a mix of emotions! Is that weird?

I am excited to go! I am getting to visit with people I haven't seen in a long time, and I get to continue my "southern education". I'm sure I'll meet some new people and see some new things, and that's exciting.

But for some reason, I can't shake these feelings of nervousness and sadness.

I can't really explain it, but I'm going to try.

I drove off of the preschool's campus tonight with a heaviness in my heart. I am genuinely going to miss my preschoolers while I'm away! Does that sound weird? It's hard not to get attached to people that you see day in and day out. It's hard to go over 10 days without seeing them. It's hard to go more than 10 days, being out of my life routine.

I am also nervous. This one I can't really explain, except to say that a lot of things are going to be happening over the next few weeks, and they all start tomorrow. My life has never exactly been dull, but the next month or two is going to be especially interesting. It's all starting when my feet hit the soil in Georgia.

I don't know if these feelings are normal. I definitely didn't expect to have them.

But I know that when I get off of that plane tomorrow and see the beautiful Georgian scenery, that it will all be okay.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My bags are packed... I'm ready to go...

My bag is packed and I am ready for this trip. 

Is is Saturday yet!?

I can't even type tonight. 

Too impatient. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

RIP suitcase

Tonight I did my laundry and began to pack for my trip this weekend.

I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and realized that the time had come...

My suitcase is worn out :/

My big, obnoxiously red suitcase has been so many places. 

Mission trips.
Road trips.
Random adventures.

And it's officially not going to make it on any more adventures.

Now the search begins. 

New suitcase, here I come.

Until I can get out shopping, I am going to try and borrow from someone for THIS trip.

Hopefully that works out!! Ha!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Who's in that picture??

Tonight, when I got home from work, I learned that if received a package. 


I'd ordered photo prints, and they finally came! They're packaged neatly in a little 4x6 book with perferated edges (for easy removal) and it was fabulous! I flipped through all 100 photos reliving the past five months of my life, and just smiled. 

Then came my favorite part. I got out my handy dandy pen and started to write. On the back of every picture, I began to write where the picture was taken and why it was taken and also, who was pictured!

There's so been SO many times that I've looked through my parents or grandparents pictures and no one remembers who the person in the photo is!! Isn't that terrible!!

Write down your memories folks!!

When you're old and grey, you won't remember every detail of the parties you went to or the boy you liked... But photos with the stories written on the back will help the memories come alive again!!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Tonight, during my drive home, I called my best friend and vented.

Venting is a long-standing tradition in my life, and it helps me immensely. I told him all about the things that have happened today that stressed me out, made me laugh and changed my life. He, in turn, told me the same about his life, and the conversation ended for the evening.

I feel so much better.

I love having friends that I can count on to listen to me and counsel me in life's ever-changing adventures. And I am even happier about being able to BE a friend that people can come to when here having stressful time or sad moments.

Tonight was good.

T-minus 4 days. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The time has come...

Tonight, the OCD side of me started writing my packing list for my Georgia trip this week. 

I beyond excited, but my stress level is at an all time high. 

This week is going to go by SO slowly. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

First timer

I am currently riding shotgun in a car on an adventure. In try vegas fashion, I am off to try my hand at some minor gambling tonight for the first time. 

I shall let you know how it goes!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A simple truth

Tonight I was reminded of a simple truth. 

God is good. All the time. 

Thanks for reader my sweet follower. This blog means a lot to me, but the fact that you take time out of your busy schedule to read it means even more. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I got the best compliment tonight...

Tonight I was paid the ultimate compliment. 

I sang tonight during the Lord's Supper service, I sang a song called "Jesus Paid It All". It was the first time I sang solo in front of the people in our church, and I'll admit, I felt like I was going to throw up! Ha!

I walked into choir, post service and sat behind a lady I've never even spoken too.  She turns around, grinning, and says the best thing I've ever had spoken to me...

"I hope you don't take offense to this sweetheart, but your voice is awesome. You sound like a Disney princess!"

Oh. My. Lands. 

Best. Compliment. Ever. 

The. End. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

At the end of a journey...

Everyone says that cliche saying "everything happens for a reason". You've heard it right? I literally hear it on a daily basis and today was no exception. 

My life has taken a few unexpected turns lately. Some good things. Some not so good things. But at the end of every day, I am confident in knowing that everything happens for a reason. And! On top of that little biggest of truth, God's plan is happening!

Good things, bad things, or somewhere in between, everyone wonders why. Why did this happen? Why is my life not like I thought it would be? Why is this person severely ill? Why did Leonardo DiCaprio not win an Oscar AGAIN this year? Why is there hunger in the world? 

All of these are valid questions, but the frustrating part is the not knowing. The hard thing to deal with is that we may never get an answer! 

Everything is part of God's plan. Every single thing that happens or is said. Everything happens on purpose FOR a purpose. 

So when life deals you an unfair hand once in a while, is it fair to whine about it? Is it productive to vent about it to anyone who will listen? Is it representative of the Christ-reflecting life we are supposed to be living to become spiteful or angry or hateful because life isn't going "according to plan"?


I am guilty of this. We all are. 

It's hard to trust that, at the end of a long day when nothing seemed to be going right, that God's hands are right there. God's hands are in the thick of battle with you, because whatever is making your life path a little rocky, is because He allowed it to be so. 

Think of it this way. I am NOT a hiker. I am a "big kid" who is not in shape enough to enjoy hiking, but every once in a while, the mood will strike! So, the adventure begins! I'll wander around Red Rock canyon or Mount Charleston or wherever, and sometimes, because I'm super awesome, I'll get lost. I will wander off the beaten path because I'm not paying enough attention, and end up somewhere I never intended on going. But you know what, sweet reader?

I have seen some of God's most beautiful creations when I've wandered off the beaten path. 

The terrain may be tougher. The hills may get steeper. And Heaven knows, the blood, sweat and tears may be rolling. 

But it's just like life. 

Sometimes the best things in life are at the end of a long, tough but, in the end worthwhile, journey. 

Those are my thoughts today. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ringing in 25

Today was a decent birthday. 

I didn't do a whole lot. 

No party. 
No cake. 
No abundance of presents. 

But you know what? I was okay with it. 

I went to work, and had an overall good day. I got a couple gifts from my work friends. 

And now I'm at home, snuggled in bed texting and checking Facebook. 

It doesn't sound like a very exciting way to ring in being 25, but I don't think I was looking for excitement. 

It was nice. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My life thus far.

I had a pretty good idea what tonight's post was going to be about. I got some news yesterday that's basically going to change my life for the foreseeable future, but I don't want to post about it. 

Instead, I'm going to post about the past 24 years of my life. 

I have been through quite a bit in my life, more than most people know about. But at the end of the day, I've lived a good life. I've traveled. I've shared precious moments and survived disasters. I have seen some of God's most amazing wonders and met some of the most fascinating people. 

I have had an amazing quarter of a century, and I am looking forward to the next quarter.

Goodnight sweet reader.

Prayers are appreciated. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Tomorrow is the day of auditions for the church Easter musical, and I am nervous. 

I have auditioned before, that's not the problem. I know what to expect. I know my music, and I even know who the "judges" will be. 

But no matter how many time I've done this, I still get nervous. But I love every minute of it. It's an awesome thrill, and to be honest, I perform well under pressure!

Goodnight sweet reader. I'm off to rest my vocal chords!! Ha!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Burn out

Do you ever hear someone say something, but it takes something jarring your memory to have it really sink in?

This happened to me today. 

A couple of days ago, I was talking with one of my favorite coworkers about the fact that I go home at night and think about work. I think about it when I go to the movies or out to dinner. I think about it when I'm with my family or with my friends. I even think about when I'm on vacation! 

I truly love my job. I visibly light up when I talk about it, and I know that. 

My problem lies in the simple fact that I let it consume my life. I don't know if it's necessarily in a bad way, but it's definitely all consuming. I found myself the other night literally unable to sleep because I could not stop thinking about my work and everything that it entails. 

My job makes me happy and I feel like I make a genuine impact on a life or two every once in a while, though that's not what I do it for. 

But today, as I pulled into the parking lot after a night of almost zero sleep again, I saw a sign for the new series that we are fixin to start called "Choices", I believe. Beneath had a list of things relating to ministry that will be covered in the series, one of which was burn out. 

Is it possible to burn out on a job that you find joy in? Is it possible to burn out on a job that you find gratifying every single day? 


So, in conclusion, I need to make steps toward leaving work at work, at least for the most part. 

It seems impossible but worth a try. 

Until next time sweet reader...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A small and simple truth.

Good evening sweet reader.

Today was a good day.

The kids were, overall, extremely well behaved.

Almost everone was in a cheerful mood.

And I must say that God blessed us with a beautiful day weather-wise

Tonight's post is not going to be some long, drawn out adventure.

I had a wonderful day, and I am thankful.

Simple truths.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Is what I do important?

My birthday is six days away, and I will be turning twenty five. 

I've been struggling with this birthday more than any other. I think I'm may be having a quarter-century-crisis. 

I love my job. 
I love my friends. 
I love my family. 
I love my church. 
I love my life. 

But do you ever feel like you aren't doing anything major with your life? That's all I've been thinking about for the past two days. I mean, literally, it's the constant thought replaying in my head. 

I work at a preschool helping parents, teachers and children get through the daily grind. I have conversations, tell stories, heal boo boos, sing songs, build websites, take photos, and among a million other things, teach kids that Jesus loves them. 

I have moments when I doubt that what I'm doing is important, but those are the moments where I hold on to the simple truth that God has me where He wants me to be for now. 

What I do, day in and day out, is important whether the outside world believes it or not. It takes all of my strength some days to remember that. 

Quarter-crisis or not, I am excited for this birthday adventure. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sassy boots

Today I was told by a number of people that I had my sassy boots on. Apparently I was a bit of a smart Alec over the course of the day. But I think I'm always have a smart mouth, but more times than not, I keep it to myself. 

Random musings from today. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Is there hope for the kids in America?

Tonight, on my way home, I stopped at the neighborhood market for some minor grocery shopping, and saw something that piqued my interest. 

I'm in line, waiting to check out my handful of items, when a little boy who's maybe... 9 comes to the "Returns" desk with a grocery bag and a receipt. He hands the bag up to the lady behind the counter and tells the her that he put two packs of cookies in his mom's cart after she told him not to. It's at this point that I look beyond the desk, and a woman who I assume is his mother is standing and watching him confess this to a random market stranger. The lady behind the counter is visibly amazed and gives the boy the cash in return for the two packs of cookies and the little boy walks away with his mother.

This, to me, is excellent parenting.

So many parents out there are so passive when it comes to disciplining their kids. Most parents would have discovered the cookies and just headed home, chastising them along the way. What parents don't seem to notice or seem to care that every time they let their little bundle of joy get away with something like that, there's a shift in power. Sometimes it's minute and there's no overwhelming outward change. Sometimes the minute moments have addded up and the child becomes the controller of the relationship. 

I've seen it  on both ends of the spectrum, and tonight, when that mom made that little boy own up to his choices... I was impressed and proud of her. And I was proud of him for not throwing a fit or making a big spectacle of himself, which kids so often do.

I often worry about the future of America. With parents raising their kids with the sentiment of being "their friends" instead of their parents, I believe that there is a large percentage of kids out there being raised to think that they are in control. But tonight reminded me that there are some people out there still raising their kids to act the way they should.

Maybe there is some hope out there.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

House of cards.

I think I've become moderately addicted to this show on netflix called "House of Cards". I tried to watch it once before, but didn't take the time to get into it. 

It's one of those shows that take time and effort to get into and having a knowledge of the political world helps make it funnier than it appears on the surface. 

This post tonight isn't all that lengthy or deep. Just a quick thought. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I finally finished it.

Well, I did it. 

I finally finished writing my testimony. 

It's been a scary adventure. I don't particularly like the vulnerability of it all, but I am happy that it's done. I'm happy that it's written down. 

It's a strange sort of happy though. I'm relieved but stressed at the same time. I'm fearful of the judgment but hopeful of the effect. 

Goodnight sweet reader. I will sleep easier tonight. I promise you that.