Hello all. Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, life has been BUSY.
On Saturday afternoon/evening, I went to church. Matthew is working at the church now running round for the services, so we were there pretty early. He worked, and I did my quiet time. Service was good. Then at around 6:30, the college group got together behind the Rec Center, and we played Ultimate Frisbee :) I didn't play a WHOLE lot, but I did play some, and it was fun :) THEN at like 8:00, Erica and I left on our adventure. Erica had won tickets to see Don Henley, who is the lead singer of The Eagles, on the radio. The concert was great, though we both agreed that the number of middle aged "air guitarists" and the number of drunk women scantily clad could've been less. Lol. But it made for some interesting people watching :)
Then yesterday was one of the best days of my life. Matthew and I celebrated 6 months together yesterday :)
We went to church in the morning, and then to Panera Bread Company for College Lunch. The Mac and Cheese there is absolutely AMAZING. Lol. Then we went back to Matt's house, and watched Sherlock Holmes... well, I watched parts of it. Lol. I was cat-napping. :) Then we went to dinner at Red Robin, which was delicious of course. We don't go there often, so it was a nice treat :) Then at like... 1130, we went up to the top of Cheyenne and went star-gazing :) It was the perfect 6 month-aversary :) I love you Matthew William Headley.
Not a lot else is going on... With the exception of a little splurging the past 2 days, I have DEFINITELY been eating better and moving more. Lol. :) I appreciate the support everyone's been giving. :) A particular "shout out" goes to Tony Angelo... lol. He's been keeping me accountable like you wouldn't believe :) :)
Today's a busy day. My to-do list is a MILE LONG.
Here it is:
I have to buy coolant, because my "LOW COOLANT" light is on.
I have to update blog (check!!)
I have to go preview the rehab place for my papa.
I have to re-watch the last season of Grey's Anatomy (though this one definitely isn't vital, but the new season starts on Thursday) :)
I need to call the ICU and get an update, because I'm not going up to the hospital today.
I need to search through Google for more group games for my afterschoolers.
I need to buy wrapping paper, and then wrap my gift for Karin's baby shower on Saturday.
I need to go to Albertsons and get a few grocery items.
And I'm sure the list will keep growing. :) Lol. Life.
I'll update again later on.
I love you all.
holla for a shoutout