Last night I posted a blog about Glorieta, New Mexico.
I had dinner with my mom last night, and she expressed concern in me going to camp this year. I will have to take off a week of work (which I've already done), and I'd be missing out on making that money that week. I understand all of this. But last night, I was trying to explain to her why camp was so important, and I just couldn't. You, as my readers, know that sometimes I have trouble using my words. Sometimes when I get upset about something, my mouth shuts down. I can't say the things I want to.
So, here I am to type out why Glorieta is so important to me.
It's hard to put into words what happens at camp. It's hard to describe the feeling you get when you step off of the bus into this world in the mountains of New Mexico. You step out, and immediately you're surrounded by pine and aspen trees. The rustling of the leaves, and the lapping of the water down by the lake has this calming effect. The first night of chapel is always filled with excitement. Everyone's meeting new people, and they're preparing their hearts and minds for a week filled with Jesus. The announcer gets up and welcomes us to college camp twenty whatever, and everyone yells out with tangible excitement. The worship team comes on, and everyone stands to sing their hearts out.
As the week goes on, the worship is one of my favorite parts, because it's one of the bonding experiences. While at camp, God is going to slap you in the face and work on your heart. Everyone comes there with things on their minds, their own issues. And almost everyone has that one night where it finally hits them. It'll be a speaker, or a song, or a devotional. Something will click, and it can get emotional. When that happens in worship, at least in my experience, it's intense.
It's the moment when you sit down during a song, because you feel so completely humbled. It's that moment where you put your head down into your hands, and just keep praying for guidance, peace, or whatever God-given gift you need. But then you feel a hand on your shoulder or on your back, or sometimes both. The people around you, people you may not have known a week prior, are there with you through one of the most intense moment of your life. I've been to camp twice now, and it's more intense every time.
That's why camp, to me, is amazing. That is why Glorieta is my favorite place I've ever been.
Yes, the scenery is amazing. Yes, the classes are awesome and informative, and they definitely help prepare us to go back into our worldly lives with new tools and outlooks. And yes, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people is fun.
But that's not why I go.
I go to experience God in a new way.
I go to rejuvenate, refresh and reconnect.
That's Glorieta for me.
I couldn't put it into words last night. But I think this does it justice.
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