Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Georgia Part 2!!

The people in Georgia are extremely different than the people in Nevada. 

When I got to the Augusta airport, the baggage handler and the enterprise guy and the crossing guard were all sincerely sweet. 

I don't use that much. That word... Sincerely. I feel like people, in general, are not overly sincere. But the people I encountered this weekend were just... different. 

My friend that I went to see is one of the funniest people I know. He's an outgoing and borderline cocky person, but he is a GOOD friend. I know that I can tell him anything and he will not judge me. He may not tell me what I want to hear some times, but he's there when I need him.

This weekend I got the chance to meet his closest group of friends, and though I only got to spend maybe ten hours with them, I KNOW that they are the same type of person as my friend. I KNOW that they are funny. I KNOW that they are good people and I KNOW that if someone needed them that they would step up. 

Where I live, I don't come across people like this very often at all. I'm not trying to knock Nevada. I'm from here. I'd never do that. BUT. I can honestly say that I only have a couple of people in my life that aren't overly judgmental. I only have  a couple of people in my life that I feel like I can say anything to. And there are only a couple of people that I KNOW will step up of something major should happen. 

Just another reason I fell in love with Georgia. 

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