I've never quite felt the way I do right now. I feel like my whole world changed from one day to the next. I feel like life is finally coming together, and I feel like everything's finally going to be okay.
This past year was one of the best and worst all rolled into one, but I feel like I learned a lot. I grew as a person. I made new friends, and moved on from some old ones that weren't meant to be in my life any longer. I survived rough news and heartache. I made memories that are now engrained in who I am as a person, and I think I've come out of 2013 with a whole new sense of self.
I believe in a lot of things. I believe a lot of those cliche sayings are true, but none moreso than that good old line of "everything happens for a reason". I never understood this saying when I was a kid. I didn't understand how the God I was raised to know and love could let things like natural disasters and famine and murder, happen... I just couldn't get my mind around it.
Then something happend. My dad died. He ceased to exist on this earth. He ceased to exist in my life, and you know what, it was horrible. It was the worst thing that's ever happend to me, but on the other hand, it was one of the most important things to have ever happend in my life. I grew as a person. I learned about myself, about my friends and family, about the world around me... All because someone in my life was gone.
This past year was... normal.
It's funny. I just sat staring at my screen wondering what one word I'd choose to summarize my whole year, and my choice is normal. My year of 2013 was normal. Why you ask? Well, let's see...
I had lots of low moments this year. Friends died. Work was hard. Friends caused drama. Family was difficult. I made bad choices. I emotionally invested in things I shouldn't. I spent time doing things that weren't necessarily in my best interest.
But on the flipside...
I had a really great year. I made new friends. I connected with family members I didn't think I ever would. I thrived at my job, and learned to love it in whole new way. I had real conversations. I had tough conversations. I learned to walk away from drama as it's starting. I took a spur of the moment trip with no planning. (This was huge for me!) I flew alone! I moved on from things that were emtionally holding me back from being the person I'm meant to be.
I feel like I could go on and on, BUT, the point is that despite the really junky things that happend in the year of 2013, more wonderful and new things happend.
So, sweet reader, if you are still reading (Sorry it's so long tonight! Ha!), I am making a pledge, a promise, a resolution, if you will. I am going to blog every day. For the next 365 days (And probably many more after that) I will post about my life and the adventures in it. I will post about my thoughts on the world, world happenings, and all things news-worthy.
Get ready my friends.
It begins now.
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