This is a touchy subject, but this my forum, so I'll post what I want to. Ha!
There is a popular opinion in the world today that it should be a woman's choice whether or not her baby should be brought into this world. Maybe the baby's presence wasn't planned or maybe the soon-to-be parents aren't financially stable enough to support and provide for a baby.
So a large population of women (in their child bearing years) believe that it's perfectly fine to sleep with someone and the next morning pop the "Plan B" pill.
I just don't understand this way of thinking.
Do you remember that story on the news a while back when they found that microscopic organism on Mars, and everyone was SO excited because there was proven life on Mars? So, sweet reader, explain to me how the scientists of the world can say that the tiny little organism on mars is "life", but a baby at the moment of conception isn't?
A lot of people will say, "Oh, if you take the 'morning after' pill, the baby doesn't even know what's happening. It's like the conception never happened." Well, dear reader, that's a load of junk.
In my opinion, life happens at the moment of conception. In my opinion, everything happens for a reason. And in my opinion, if you decide to have a night of fun with your significant person, you'd better be prepared for anything that may happen.
In today's society, birth control, even the best of the best, isn't 100% effective.
I'm not judging anyone in their life choices. That wouldn't be fair of me, because everyone makes life choices. But, my dear reader, it should NOT be a choice to end a human life.
And that's it.
I am pro-life, and there's no changing my mind.
Now comes the inevitable moment when someone is reading this saying "what about someone who is raped? If they happen to get pregnant because of their rapist, is it fair to ask them to carry the baby? To carry their rapists baby, a daily reminder of the trauma they've endured?"
And to this, my answer is yes. I know this may sound heartless, but it goes back to my opinion that everything happens for a reason. I am geniunely distraught for the women out there who've endured rape, and if that same woman is then to find out that she is pregnant, I can't even imagine... But is it fair to then end that person's life? That's what the baby is... a person.
If you don't want to keep this daily reminder, I can't blame you. I can imagine the difficulty. But there are thousands of couples out there that can't have kids that would gladly adopt.
To round out tonight's discussion, my opinion can be stated as clearly as this:
I believe that a baby is a baby no matter how small.
I believe that abortion is wrong, no matter the reason.
End of story.
I thank God EVERY DAY that the woman who gave birth to my son did not abort him