Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Do you ever have moments in life where everything is going pretty dang well, and you have a completely positive outlook on life?

I'm having that right now :)

I have good people in my life, and a Savior who loves me. What else do I need?

Nothing. :)

I was having a reflective moment the other day. I was driving home from Green Valley, and having an out-loud conversation with Jesus. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't pray out loud... I generally stay pretty quiet in that department, but for some reason, the urge just hit me. (I probably looked like a crazy person talking to myself lol ) Anyhow. I was having a Jesus-chat, and came to some minor revelations. I need to start working on memorizing verses. Seriously, I'm presented with lots of situations, where my advice is sound, but I would LOVE to have a verse or two to reference. Secondly, I feel like I put too much pressure on myself to be perfect and please everyone. This has to stop. Lol. I am a stress-a-holic. I just soak it up until one day I just can't take it anymore, and I get grumpy (or chicken pox lol).

Those are my minor life changes that have already started to work in my life.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Until next time.

I love you.

OH. P.s. I got a gym membership at 24hr fitness, and used it for the first time today. I am in pain, but it's totally worth it. Lol. :)

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