Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I know, you're asking yourrself... "Why is she posting twice in one day?"

My answer is simply, I'm sick. Lol. I woke up Tuesday with a sore throat, and when I woke up today, it was considerably worse, so I went to Quickcare, and I'm sick.

1. Strep Throat
2. Tonsillitis (Which I though was the same thing as strep)
3. a nasal infection
4. a sinus infection

Sounds fun right? lol.

Well, 4 precriptions and way too much money later, I'm home, hanging on my couch and watching tv.

Anyone do anything interesting today?? :)


So, as most of you know, I work at the church in the daycare. Well, unfortunately, I'm not getting enough hours there. I literally got 12 hours last month. SO, I am job hunting... again. Lol.

Anyone hiring? Or know of anyone hiring?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Right/Wrong place.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am always in the right place at the right time. I know things, have seen things, have met people, not because of anything else but timing.

Today, I had a moment where I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and I wish I hadn't been there.

I was coming out of my house to drive to Starbucks to see one of my favorite people Mrs. Kitty Kidd. I'm walking to my car, and I hear yelling. This, in and of itself is weird, because our neighborhood is always SUPER quiet. Anyway, so I hear yelling, and of course, I look around to make sure that everything is okay... Well, it wasn't. My neighbors across the street, and down two houses were outside yelling at each other. (Which they've NEVER done) When I realize what's happening, I RAN to my car. I didn't want to know what they were fighting about. I didn't want to be involved in any way. So, those of you who've seen me this week know that my window is having some issues, so of course, even when I'm in my car I still hear the fighting.

Mika yelled that he wanted a divorce and he sped away SO FAST in his car that his tires squealed!

It was terrible and sad. I called Dana Marshall because I was upset about what I'd just witnessed, and she pointed out that I was a witness to one of the biggest moments of their lives, and I wish I hadn't been. :(

I was a child of divorce. Did you know that? My parents divorced when I was 10, and life became chaos. The reasons behind the divorce aren't important anymore, but it makes me sad to think that the kids in that house might face what I had to face. I really hope they don't.

In other, and yes, much happier news, I am down a grand total of 10 lbs since I rededicated this blog. :) I am pretty darn excited about it, and I was even told by someone that they could see a little weight loss :) Let me just tell you, that's the best motivation there is. To hear someone say that all of the effort you've been putting in has FINALLY been paying off... Well, that's just the bees knees. :)

Let's see, what else is happening... OH! I am a happy girl, once again. My favorite girls, the key seesters, Lauren Poulin, and Katie Shura are finally ALL back in town and reunited once again, and I am pleased. :) Lol. It was weird not having any of them around for a few days there. Lol. Like, I was literally at a loss. lol.

That's about it on the life-update front.

Until next time :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My bad.

I haven't posted in a few days... Sorry :) Lol.

Tonight is the season finale of Grey's Anatomy, which is my favorite show. :) I'm not sure how it's going to go, but I'm hoping they can top last seasons shooting... we shall see.

In other news, I've decided that Ive been pushing things in my life a little harder than I need to. I have this idea of what my life should be like, and I feel like I've been working really hard to get it together, but I feel like some people don't like it. It's frustrating, because I feel like I'm getting to a good place in my life, and I feel like I'm getting shut down... I don't know...

I dont really feel like going on a rant lol. I just feel like this is my "safe place" to be able to say what I want, when I want and not face judgements.

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Do you ever have those times in your life when your heard is just swimming, because you have SO much on your mind? I'm currently at one of those points in my life. I feel like I'm constantly thinking about SO much, and there's just SO much that I want to do, that there's just no way to get it all done...

So, that's where I'm at. Lol.

I did do something though, that I've wanted to do for a while. I cut my hair.

I really enjoyed my long hair. I got lots of compliments on it, and who doesn't love that right?? But I cut it anyway. I love it long, but I also love the little cutesy ponytail that you get when it's short.

So, that's where I'm at.

Scripture memory. Is anyone really good at scripture memory? If you are, do you have any tips for those of us that have junky memories? lol. I really want to be one of those Christians (whom I've admired since childhood) that can pull JUST the right scripture out of their head at JUST the right time! That's one of my new goals in life. Obviously, I may never be a superstar at that, but I feel like memorizing a few key scriptures would be a good thing. Opinions? Helpful tips?

Tonight we're playing volleyball at butterfly park, and this weekly event has become one of my favorite things in life. Lol. I know that probably sounds weird. But I really enjoy the game, the physical activity (you hardly know it, but your legs ARE getting a bit of a workout) and the fellowship with my peeps. :)

That's where my life's at.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Here it is ladies and gentlemen. My re-dedication.

My life lately has been crazy, and there are LOTS of things going on, and I'm here to report on them.

First off. This re-dedication.
I've been feeling lately a lack of luster in my life. Things are fine, but that's all they've been. "Fine". But I'm not at the point in my life where settling for "fine" is okay. I want bigger and brighter things in my life. I want a relationship with Jesus that makes others ask questions. I want fellowship with my friends that God would be proud of. I want to better myself as a person, both emotionally and physically.

Most of you know by now that I am single again. Matthew and I decided to break up last week, and honestly, I think it's the best thing we could've done. Don't get me wrong. I still love him. There's no way to get over that overnight. BUT I'm getting there. We decided early on that we would remain friends. We are going to work overtime to make sure there's no awkwardness and no bitterness from either side, and I'm honestly, really excited to see what God has in store for us, both together as friends and as individual people.

So, let me put this official statement out there. Yes, we are broken up. No, I don't hate him. Yes, we are still friendly. No, neither one of us is leaving the college group. Yes, you can ask one of us if you want further details. But no, we'd rather not be gossiped about.

Now for the re-dedication. I want to revamp my life into something better. I want a life Jesus would be proud of. I want to have daily quiet times. And yes, I know this sounds simple, but honestly, I make excuses not to do it just like everyone else. I want to get more involved at church. I talked to Damian about one way I could do that, and I'm waiting for advice about that. I also want to have more meaningful fellowship time with my peeps.

I'm really good at being social. :) I love to organize events. I love to chat with everyone, catch up on their week, ask how their families are and that's about it. I don't get deeply involved except for a select few, and I feel like it's time to change that. So, be ready loved ones. I'm going to be asking you the tough questions. Have you had 7 quiet times this week? Do you talk to God on regular basis? Or do you only ask him for favors when you need something? Think it over :)

Re-dedication Part 2. I'm large. I know this sounds weird, but I need to be blunt with myself, or it'll never change. Yes, I know that God loves me JUST the way I am. But I also feel like the bible tells us to tak care of our bodies because God did GIVE them to us while we're on this earth, and honestly, I'm not doing too great of a job taking care of mine. Ya know? So this is the re-dedication part. I'm not going to say I'm going to work out every single day or that I'm never going to drink another soda or eat another french fry. I know myself better than that. BUT what I will say is that I'm going to try a heck of a lot harder than I've been trying.

And I am asking for your help dear friends. I would like to ask you, yes all seven hundred (+) of you, to help me. I would like you to keep me accountable. Ask me how I'm doing, and don't just settle for "okay". Ask what I've been eating, and encourage me to keep on the healthier stuff.

So, will you help me?

I hope so.