Sunday, July 8, 2012

Godly man.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want in my future husband. It's one of those things that all girls think about, but lately it's something that's been weighing on my mind.

I haven't always made the greatest choices when it came to those I chose to date. I dated a slew of guys that were, as we in the church community call, worldly. We didn't have Jesus at the center of our relationships. We didn't invest in each other in any sort of deep way. They were fairly superficial, surface type relationships. We didn't grow together. You know what I mean?

Anyway. I've been thinking a lot lately and re-evaluating what I want and what God wants for me. The most important of which is to have a Christ-centered relationship. I've learned in recent years that dating a guy who loves Jesus is a must, but to have a Christ-centered relationship is something completely different.

So far I've decided the following...

Keeping Jesus as my number one, and making sure it stays that way. It's so easy to start to idolize the person I'm with, to make them more important that spending time with the one who loves me more than life itself. And that can not happen. Even when I've dated a fellow believer, it happens. The Enemy can sneak it into even the best relationship.

Make sure I am doing my quiet times every single day, no excuses, and keeping the my godly-guy accountable for doing his. I have a lousy track record when it comes to quiet times. I am the very first one to say, well, I need to do this and this and this, so I'll do my quiet time later. Then, of course, it never gets done. This will happen for days in a row, and then the next thing I know it's been a week or two or more. It's a daily struggle for me.

The physical aspect of relationships is hard for me too. I've had some rough things happen in my life, and I've also not always made the best choices in this department, but it's definitely something that important to me now. This is something that hits my heart pretty hard. I had someone tell me the other day, though we weren't talking about me, that it's severely hypocritical to be having a physical relationship with the person your dating, and then turn right around and teach younger generations to honor God and save themselves for marriage. And you know what? The person that told me this was 100% correct! Think about this the next time this particular temptation arises. Is it worth being a hypocrite?

I am not writing this blog to convict anyone in particular. It's things that have been on my mind a bunch lately, and since this is my free space to put my opinions out into the void for my readers, I wrote this.



Grace be with you.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about this same thing the last few months. Reminds me of a favorite quote (although I'm not sure who said it or where it's from):
    "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."

    Like you, I add that the relationship needs to involve God, too, not just the individuals alone. One day, we'll find awesome men who live lives dedicated to Him and us!
