Friday, February 7, 2014

Why can't I take a compliment?

Today I had a very real discussion with someone about my inability to take a compliment. 

One of our preschool parents has become a friend of mine. I see him in bible study during the week and at church on the weekend. And this week, I saw him at choir rehearsal on Wednesday night. 

Today we were talking about the impending worship set this weekend, and I was telling him that I'm a bit nervous. He responds by telling me that I have no need to be nervous. That God has blessed me with a special gift, and that it's my responsibility to use it to further the Kingdom. 

All of these things are really nice things to say to someone. 

In response to these kind words, I begin to criticize my voice, and verbally doubting my ability to help lead worship in big church this weekend. 

He looks at me, leans down on the front counter and says the following...

"Look at me. God gave you a gift. It's your job to use it, and I am trying to tell you that I appreciate your gift. Can you let me pay you a compliment?" And then smiled and walked away. 

What is my issue? I love to sing. I love to sing in front of people. Even when I am so nervous that I think I may throw up... I still love to sing. And for me to question my God given talent is wrong. 

Bring it on. 

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