Thursday, July 14, 2011

Over emotional.

Do you ever have those times in your life where you're like... overly emotional? Lol. I feel like I've been in this emotional spiral for weeks now. It's a long story, so here it goes...

I figured out fairly recently that I miss my dad WAY more than I've been admitting. I understand that he's happier where he is now. I know that I'll see him again one day... but that's not a comforting though 100 percent of the time. Lol.


Matt left. He went to Taiwan on his mission trip, and I am so excited for him! He's doing amazing things already, and is having an AWESOME time. But I miss him. I miss my best friend. Lol. It's stupid, and I feel ESPECIALLY bad, because I feel like I'm being selfish because I miss him. So I don't know. Lol.


I've been having issues with certain people in my group of friends. No major drama. I just had expectations of people... more specifically, I had expressed to a few peeps how hard it would be for me when Matt left, and I honestly thought they'd be there for me... check in. I don't know. But I feel like it's just not happening. And even though that's disappointing, it's not a huge deal.


Has put me into this funk. I was talking with Lauren and Caitlyn a little while back, and we discovered that I feel abandoned. I feel literally retarded saying that. 22 with abandonment issues? Really? But I think that may just be what it is. Lol. I don't want to blame any one thing in particular. I just feel like it's everything adding up together. Ya know what I mean?? I just feel unhappy. And I hate it.

I don't know.


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