Friday, February 21, 2014

Luther Vandross

So, today I think I depressed myself. 

Tonight, at our church, the kids ministries were hosting a "Father-Daughter Dance", and everyone. Old attend. I got off of work over in the preschool at around 6:00, and I decided that before I left for the day, I wanted to see the finished product. The decorations were perfect, absolutely perfect. A lot of our little ladies from the preschool were in attendance, and they looked beautiful. I stood on the sidelines with a few other staff members, and it could feel it happen. It was like a creepy crawly feeling that filled me up.

What feeling do I mean, sweet reader??

Sadness. I have basically come to grips with the feelings of sadness towards my dad no longer being on this planet. Thats not what I'm talking about here. I was standing there having "flash forwards" to my wedding day and realizing that I'd never dance with my dad again.

Even sitting here, at my house, writing this, I can almost feel my heart breaking.

My dad used to blast music in our house, and he snag me and try to get me to dance with him. Not for any set reason, just for giggles! but as I grew older! I wouldn't dance. I walk away, laughing at how crazy he was being. 

I'm kind of sad I did that.

This is how I feel:::

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