Monday, June 11, 2012


It's a word we've all heard a thousand times...

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me..."

"It is by grace that you've been saved, not by works..."

But do we really ever take into account the weight this word has?

I don't.

The definition of grace, as defined by Webster, is the exercise of love, compassion and mercy.

Well, this is a word that's been popping up a lot in my life lately for one reason or another. The Bible is very clear that we are to love God and love others, and it demonstrates countless acts of compassion and mercy.

All of that being said, have you shown grace today?

There are days where the kids I teach at work are just horribly behaved. Or there are days where there's drama in my circle of friends, and it mentally exhausts me. OR there are days where my family has so many problems going on that it causes me a stress stomach ache.

On those days, when life is storming and absolutely nothing is going right, sometimes it's hard for me to remember the grace shown to me. Sometimes it's hard to remember the things Jesus went through so that I could have a better life. Sometimes, when I've had a REALLY lousy day, I just flat out don't WANT to love on people. I don't have compassion or mercy on the people bothering me.

I was sitting here today while the little ones in my class are sleeping, and this thought occurred to me...

There are days, rotten days, where I don't feel like showing grace to those around me.

That day, at Calvary, Jesus had a COMPLETELY lousy day... Imagine if he had decided that he just didn't feel like giving the world grace that day?

Imagine where we'd be.

Grace. Share some today.

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