Sunday, August 19, 2012

That moment

There's that moment... That almost indescribable moment when I'm in my little apartment, all alone, wondering what my future holds and worrying about the things I know are coming. There's that moment when I start to scare myself into thinking that it's more than I can handle. There's that moment when I feel completely alone in the world. I know I have people who love and care about me. But I'm talking about that moment when I feel... Hopeless.

I've been feeling this way more and more in recent months, and I can all but FEEL it eating away at me from the inside. Transitioning from a young adult into a regular adult has been harder for me than I'd expected. Or, now that I'm thinking about it, not harder, just different than I'd expected. I grew up watching tv shows like Friends where people seemed to tradition into this adult world with ease. No major problems ever fell into their lives, or at least nothing so major that it couldn't be solved in half an hour. And for whatever reason, I expected my life at this point to have some sort of balance. I thought I'd have some sort of routine, some sort of security.

I don't have a horrible life. I have a mom and brother who love me. I'm part of a church that's growing exponentially. I have a job I love. And I have a God who, thankfully, chose to show me grace and love.

I have a good life.

But for whatever reason, sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes, there's that moment where I start to feel sorry for myself, or start to feel like I'm a disappointment. Sometimes I feel like I'm a failure because I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be doing with my life. I don't feel like anything I do or say is the right thing.

There are days like today where someone in my life pulls me aside and basically tells me that everything I've been doing lately was one lie after another. There are days like today where I get told that I've been getting lied to for months, and now my world is crumbling around me, because people in my life aren't who I thought they were.

And there are days like today where I've had a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" day, and I come home to my little apartment. I put on a movie. I start some laundry. I talk to Jesus, and I clean.

My day started out lousy.

Then I had that moment where I realized that Jesus' got me, and that I have nothing to worry about.

That's how Jesus helped me today.

How did He help you??

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