Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ten things you may not know about me.

Tonight's blog is going to be interesting.

How well do you think you know me, sweet reader? Well, tonight's blog will test your knowledge! 

Tonight's blog... Ten things you may not know about me.

One. My favorite color is charoal grey. I know that it sounds a bit boring, but I think it's beautiful. A large  chunk of my clothing is charcoal grey. Is is because UNLV's color are scarlett and grey (all day)? Eh, who knows... but it's my favorite.

Two. When I get nervous, I tend to stutter when I speak. I don't know why this is. I didn't used to do it actually. It's just something that's developed in the past year or so. I hadn't really noticed it all that much, but someone pointed it out to me, so I notice all the time now! Ha! So, whenever I meet someone new or talk to someone with any kind of authority, I lose my words!

Three. I am absolutely terrified of having children. I joke about it all the time, but I'm usually saying my true feelings. I am just flat out scared. I amd scared of the pain of actually HAVING a baby. I'm scared that I'm not going to be a good enough parent. I feel like I'm going to make choices that just aren't the right ones for my kids. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE kids. I especially love OTHER PEOPLE'S kids ha! I see them every single day, but I don't know if I can get over this and ever actually have my own. Would I be a decent parent? I have no idea.

Four. I really want to move, but I don't know if I really can. I feel like I am being called to leave Las Vegas, and start up life in another place, but if I'm being honest, I don't know if I can! I have grown up in Las Vegas, and as much as leaving here and starting a new adventure sounds amazing, I am scared! What if I can't make it? What if I can't find a job? What if I don't make any friends? Too many unanswered questions...

Five. Since my dad died a couple Christmases ago, I'm pretty sure I have beccome a low-grade hoarder. I've talked to a couple of, in my opinion, knowledgable people who have told me that it's fairly common for people who have experienced great loss to grow unhealthy attachments to inanimate things. I'm pretty sure that's what's happened to me. I feel like I should get some intensive counselling about this, but not really sure where to start.

Six. I absolutely CAN NOT drink room temperature or hot water. It has to be ice-cold, or my gag reflex says "heck no"! I don't know what the deal is here... but I just can't. Ha!

Seven. When I was a little kid, I honestly believed I was adopted. I felt like I didn't look like anyone in my family. I didn't like the same foods or TV shows. I didn't have to same build or the same sense of humor. I just genuinely convinced myself that I must've been adopted from some random place. OBVIOUSLY that is not true. If you've seen my mom, as much as I try to deny it, we look exactly the same.

Eight. My favorite fruit is pineapple. When I was a little kid, I "hated" pineapple. Generally, when I say I don't like someone, 9 time out of 10, I haven't even tried it. SO, when I tried pineapple for the first time shortly before my 22nd birthday, I fell in love. I can't get enough. Grilled, chilled, frozen... I just love it.

Nine. I love Broadway Musicals, and if I could only listen to their sound tracks for the rest of my life, I'd probably be just fine. I think this statement stands on it's own. Ha! I think it's because I've seccretly always dreamed of performing on a broadway stage, but never had the talent or the guts. Ha! But I absolutely love belting the sound tracks in my car! I LOVE putting on shows for the drivers in the great city of Las Vegas. I've gotten some strange looks, and some epic smiles, but I wouldn't change my musical preference for anything. 

Ten. My biggest fear USED TO BE not being able to smile on my wedding day. Let me explain. I had the teeth of a violent hockey player. I mean, they were just lousy. So, that being said, I was pretty dang positive if I ever actually GOT married, I wouldn't be able to smile in my wedding photos, and that was depressing! But now that they've been fixed, my confidence has changed, and I look forward to one day being able to smile in these iconic-type pictures that I'll look at for years to come.

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